No Place Like Home, Playwrights Horizons
Comedy After School featuring Rachel Bloom, Dana Gould, John Ross Bowie, Eddie Pepitone, Cameron Esposito, and Jamie Denbo at Dynasty Typwritter with proceeds to LACER Afterschool!
The Groundlings
Mortified, Los Angeles, California
L.A.C.E.R. Afterschool Programs
Will Seymour, Founding Member, and Executive Director
Since 1995 the L.A.C.E.R. Afterschool Programs has provided middle and high school students in Los Angeles with award-winning opportunities in the arts, athletics, and academics that are otherwise unavailable at their school or in their community.
With significant support provided by the California Arts Council, the Wilbur May Foundation, the Weingart Foundation, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, and many more, L.A.C.E.R. is Literacy, Arts, Culture, Education, and Recreation, every day, after school, for free - students are fed, make friends, attend school more, and 97% of them graduate high school.
L.A.C.E.R.’s nationally recognized arts programming has received many awards, including the COMING UP TALLER AWARD (2003) presented at a White House Ceremony by Laura Bush, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.
A headshot featuring luxurious hair.
“Aristophanes” in the play Sokrates written and directed by Kathrine Lemke Waste, New York
Mortified, San Francisco, California
Best Day Ever!
This American Life
Episode 313, Parental Guidance Suggested, featuring "The Grandma Letters."
Stories about kids who actually want their parents looking out for them. Will Seymour reads letters he and his grandmother exchanged when he was in high school. He was miserable at the time—his parents had just gotten divorced, and he had no friends—and so was his grandma. So they consoled each other through the mail. Will reads the letters as part of the Mortified stage show.
“The Storyteller” and “Paul Revere” in Liberty Smith, a new musical, (with Susan Egan, Patrick Cassidy, David Burnham, Jason Graae, and John Barrowman, Broadway Workshops in Los Angeles and New York.)
What’s What, a one-person show by Will Seymour and Kathrine Lemke Waste (California and New York.) 1991
What’s What, California, (rehearsal)
“Pantalone” in Whack’em, Smack’em, The San Francisco Mime Troupe
“Pam” arriving at KCRW’s Masquerade Ball
The Butler Did It, program
The First Photoshoot
Final Show and Graduation at American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA, New York)
Singing the Nation Anthem, Colorado
Mortified, Portland, Oregon
Mortified Podcast
Episode 47 Will: “I Was A Teenage Media Mogul”
This particular episode of Mortified features the story of a closeted teenager who escapes the bullies at school and retreats into his bedroom, where he creates an elaborate imaginary radio empire. Listen to clips from the cassette recordings of the KNYB 'radio show', listener reviews, and special guest Stephanie Seymour.
Mortified Podcast
Episode 119: “Everyone's A Critic”
Who was your harshest critic as a kid? Hear tales from the Mortified stage show how other kids dealt with criticism or became critical themselves. Contributor Will Seymour talks about his experiences in high school and how one caring adult, Liza Minnelli, in this case, can make all the difference to a kid.
Mortified, Los Angeles, California
The Caucasian Chalk Circle, with Frank Wood, Katrina Lenk, and Daniel Breaker, directed by Kate Whoriskey at South Coast Repertory.
"This colorful, winsome and winning production emphasizes the fable-like tone of one of Brecht's sunnier plays … A blood-and-guts corporal (William Seymour), marches onto the stage to incite both horror and hilarity." LOS ANGELES TIMES
“The Corporal” and “The Beggar” in The Caucasian Chalk Circle, with Frank Wood, Katrina Lenk, and Daniel Breaker, directed by Kate Whoriskey at South Coast Repertory.
“Harry Witherspoon” in the Los Angeles premiere of the musical Lucky Stiff, Los Angeles
A headshot featuring tiny hair.
Liza Minnelli reading The Night Before Christmas, The Today Show, NBC, 1980
A thank you note, after a note, after dear Halston died.
Ohh, You’re In Trouble Podcast
I Bullied My Teacher
Is it ever a good idea to tell someone something you don't feel you could ever say to their face in writing? Hear the story of a teenager who was so upset about unfair grades; he wrote an over-the-top mean email to his teacher, “Mr. Nitpicky,” played by Will Seymour. Ooh, You’re In Trouble is a proud member of TRAX from PRX. And is made possible with the support of The Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Listen to the entire series.
During COVID-19 Eddie and his daughter Laura did their best during the stay-at-home orders in Laura Faces Lockdown, short films with lip-synch to Shirley Bassey hits.
Mortified, Oakland, California
“Huck” in Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, with Harry Burney as “Jim” directed by Kathrine Lemke Waste.
“Miller Lite Recliner Ski-Jump” Super Bowl Commercial
Mortified, Portland, Oregon
“Reverend Doherty” in Joan of Arcadia, CBS (Dir. Timothy Busfield)
Mortified, Los Angeles, California
“The Chaplain” in A Clockwork Orange, Los Angeles, (Dir. Rick Sparks)
"Pick of the week! The Leads are thrilling, William Seymour, in a strong portrayal" LA WEEKLY