Will Seymour, Founding Member, and Executive Director
Since 1995 the L.A.C.E.R. Afterschool Programs has provided middle and high school students in Los Angeles with award-winning opportunities in the arts, athletics, and academics that are otherwise unavailable at their school or in their community.
With significant support provided by the California Arts Council, the Wilbur May Foundation, the Weingart Foundation, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, and many more, L.A.C.E.R. is Literacy, Arts, Culture, Education, and Recreation, every day, after school, for free - students are fed, make friends, attend school more, and 97% of them graduate high school.
L.A.C.E.R.’s nationally recognized arts programming has received many awards, including the COMING UP TALLER AWARD (2003) presented at a White House Ceremony by Laura Bush, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.